Introducing Darren Clark

Building a meaningful relationship with retailers

Darren, our National Retail Manager, and his team are responsible for looking after you once you're onboarded with us.

Your dedicated Relationship Manager will be your day-to-day contact for any queries, and they'll also be responsible for keeping an eye on your account. They'll spot opportunities to drive conversion, increase acceptance rates, reduce subsidy costs and more, ultimately helping you to make the most of your finance offering.

Discover why it's so important to develop a strong partnership with your finance provider...

"In any industry, talk of providing outstanding service and building relationships often comes across as cliché, but it really is part of our culture at Novuna. It can't be underestimated how important it is to have a Relationship Manager you trust and get on with. We know that offering finance is about driving sales and increasing profitability so we provide commercial support to our retailers as well as being there for you day to day."

Darren Clark, National Retail Manager

An interview with Darren

Hi Darren. Can you start off by sharing the start of your career journey?

I spent my early twenties working in retail, which I really enjoyed. The brand I worked for offered retail credit (specifically white labelled credit cards), so I became familiar with finance products and built a relationship with the team working for the credit card issuer.

I took the plunge and initially joined them in client sales before moving into a training co-ordinator role where I worked with retail teams to help them build the knowledge they needed to introduce finance products.

My initial roles gave me a good grounding in financial services and ultimately led to a long career in consumer finance.

Tell us a bit about how your career led you to Novuna Consumer Finance?

I was working in a relationship management position at a different finance provider; this role was similar to the one I ended up securing at Novuna several years later – although my time there saw me working with both revolving and fixed term credit.

I specialised in store cards and credit cards initially and then broadened my remit to look after point of sale finance with some of the biggest names in the UK.

And then one day I got a call from a recruitment consultant...

So you weren't initially looking for a new role? How did the Novuna team change your mind?

The team made a strong impression when I first met them. Despite there being quite a few people involved in the process, everyone was welcoming and spoke honestly which meant I was able to get genuine insight and I came away with a good feeling for the culture of the business. I believed I would be a great fit for the business and equally that it would be a great fit for me - and that's why I'm still here ten years later.

Does your role look a little different now you've taken on the National Retail Manager position? 

Absolutely. I went from spending 100% of my time looking after retailers, to spending most of my time looking after a team.

My role now focuses on supporting my team and giving them the tools they need to develop their own skills, autonomy and retail relationships. That said, I do still regularly liaise with our retailers - it's a hugely important and very enjoyable part of the job.

'Relationship Manager' can be a bit of a buzzword. What does the role really involve? 

It's all about developing and maintaining business relationships with our retailers, working with them to ensure that they have the right credit strategy in place for them as well as one which meets the needs of their customers, and delivering a great experience for all.

From a business development perspective, our job is to overcome issues and identify opportunities. We work with retailers to create finance strategies which maximise sales opportunities.

I do believe there's just as much value in having a conversation and getting to know the people you are working with as there is in delving into a PowerPoint and getting into the detail. We build rapport and, more importantly, trust; that's what makes our team so unique.

How important is it for Relationship Managers to keep an eye on the figures?

Very. The partnership needs to be successful from a commercial perspective. That means we need to know the sector, the market, and that individual retailer's performance. Keeping an eye on the detail also helps us in identifying and mitigating any issues. It's a lot to keep up with.

Can you give us an example?

Many retailers sell some items with slim profit margins and are therefore sensitive to subsidies on these product lines. We work with them to find a proposition which will work for that retailer whilst also meeting customer needs.

What makes our Business Development team different?

The desire to do the right thing, for the business, the consumer, our retailers, and our employees.

At Novuna, we are people focused. It is central to everything we do and maintaining this culture requires us to recruit the right people into the team.

We look to recruit people who are naturally friendly and inquisitive - both qualities you'd expect from someone in a role that's all about developing long lasting partnerships. The team is perfectly placed to provide expertise and great service to our retail partners, which is something not every finance provider prioritises.

The culture of putting people first is so unique to us because it's something businesses can't artificially create. It comes naturally to the people we recruit at Novuna.

Do you match Relationship Manager personalities to different retailers?

The nature of the role means that our Relationship Managers are adaptable and able to build relationships with diverse personalities. They're the type of people who say 'I get on with anyone', so I'd trust any of my team to look after a variety of different retailers across multiple sectors.

Of course, you'll naturally get personalities that gel and we try foster that.

How often do you speak to or visit your clients?

We adapt our approach and contact frequency to meet the needs of the relationship and try to reach a sweet spot that meets the requirements of all involved. When our retailers need us we are only a phone call away.

As video conferencing has become more commonplace, we're able to connect with our retail partners much more than ever. It's great to be able to have face to face contact at short notice when required, rather than purely relying on a phone call. Of course, the team still hit the road and visit clients on a regular basis too, as in-person conversations often deliver the best results for all involved.

What is it about the role you really enjoy? 

I like getting to know people, delivering results and developing my team. When you have a strong relationship with a retailer it stops feeling like work as you are helping people and businesses which you care about.

I really enjoy seeing the careers of my team thrive, too. Many of the employees I've recruited and developed have had great success in progressing their career at Novuna, and this always makes me proud.

Can you tell us the main challenges your team are facing at the moment? 

Affordability is one of the biggest challenges we are facing at present. We are all used to the cost of borrowing being much lower than it is currently, so the ongoing economic challenges are putting pressure not only on us but our retailers and their customers too. Helping customers fund their purchase in a responsible and manageable way is more important than ever.

We are working closely with our retailers to ensure that the right solutions are in place.

Tell us about a time a client has made a long-lasting impact on you 

I can honestly say that one of the best things about my job is learning from my retailers. I gain so much knowledge from them and often the most demanding relationships deliver the greatest results as you are both striving to achieve the best outcomes.

And, of course, there are clients who have become genuine friends over the years. People I still speak to or meet up with, long after we've stopped working together professionally.

Finally, what has been a highlight for your team and Novuna generally in the last year or so? 

A client who left us a little while ago has recently returned, and it's great to have them back. They originally left due to promises made by another provider but came back because of our market-leading technology, excellent service and the great relationship they had with our team. It just goes to show that having the right finance partner is crucial to delivering success.

Darren's latest articles

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Darren details the day in the life of a Relationship Manager

Much as we'd love to sit around having cups of tea (and a biscuit or two) with clients all day, it's our job to maximise profitability and make sure our finance products are driving the right level of sales for our retailers.

Crunching the numbers
We'll keep a continuous eye over your finance figures, forecasting potential sales and working out the best ways to maximise revenue. We'll also share data such as market, sector, geographical and demographic insights to help you make the most of our finance offering.

Of course, we'll always keep you updated but our quarterly reviews are a great opportunity for us to go through the stats and ensure we're meeting your volume of business, accept rate and profit targets.

Understanding the industry

Our partners trust us to keep them abreast of any updates, such as changes in regulations that may affect them. They rightly see us as the experts of all-things retail finance so it's our responsibility to make sure we communicate any important information.

Fostering a great partnership
And, of course, we take time to get to know our partners as people. We're all human at the end of the day, so we do like to have a proper catch up - that's where a cup of tea might come in!

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