SMEs, Sustainability and the UK Government: Season Two of the Novuna Business Finance Podcast

Thursday 27th June 2024

Novuna Business Finance is launching season two of its ‘The Sustainable Business Podcast’ series, "Out and About with the Political Experts", available to download now. Building on the success of season one, this new season continues to provide a platform for SMEs, academic and green energy experts to share insight on how small business owners can effectively navigate sustainability challenges within today’s political landscape.

With a General Election called for 4 July, this podcast series compliments the recently published report - The Small Business Perspective on Sustainability – The Mandate for Support from a new UK Government”. The report provides in-depth analysis of recent U-Turns by the UK Government on green policy changes affecting green initiatives, such as delays in phasing out petrol and diesel cars and shifts in renewable energy commitments.

Key issues highlighted in both the report and podcast include:

  • The impact of policy U-turns
  • Leadership and direction needed from the new government.
  • Financial support and incentives for sustainable practices
  • Addressing regional disparities and industry-specific challenges
  • Education and awareness initiatives for sustainability

Series two is made up of two episodes and features.

Episode one: Steve Wardlaw, co-founder and Chairman of a small business in London, Emerald Life, a leading insurer for the LGBT community and political adviser on green energy, shares insights from his career as an international energy lawyer.

Episode two: Professor Stephen Barber, Head of Department for Innovation & Management at the University of East England, discussed how the new government can support the small business community. Stephen is a prominent figure at a London MBA school, has published many political and economic books and is a respected political economic commentator with the national media.

Our podcast series aims to encourage meaningful dialogue around critical issues, whilst also acknowledging the challenges and opportunities that small businesses face in embracing sustainable solutions. Our report and the perspective of our guest experts underscore the urgent need for greater guidance and support from an incoming UK Government. The fight against climate change – and the push towards a more sustainable world – are tasks that involve everyone working together. We hope you enjoy the second series and look out for the third Series which will be available in the coming months.

Jo Morris

Head of Insight

Novuna Business Finance


The research was conducted by Sago Quantitative Research Service among a representative sample of 1,027 small business decision makers.